Sun Deck Forward / S1
Pair balcony Suite
-king-size bed, bath with tub and shower, sitting area, private balcony- |
Pool Deck / PL4
Pair balcony Twin
-two single beds, private balcony- |
Pool Deck Aft / PL27
My Cabin Superior
-one double bed, bath with tub and shower- |
Premier Deck Forward / P4
My Cabin Pair Sunshine
-two single beds- |
Premier Deck / P15
Pair Ocean
-two single beds- |
Premier Deck / P67
Pair Deluxe
-two single beds and sofa- |
Continental Deck / C39
Friendly Economy
-two lower and two upper beds-
Continental Deck / C55
Single Standard
-one double bed- |
Continental Deck / C67
Pair Standard
-one double and one single bed and one set of bunk bed- |
Continental Deck / CN54
My Cabin Single Global
-one double bed and sofa- |
Atlantic Deck / A38
Family Outside
-one double and one single bed and two sets of bunk beds- |