Home > 10月 22nd, 2016


Peace Boat’s 92nd Global Voyage/ 64-65

October 20, 2016

After the sailing of 8 nights, It passed the front of the Statue of Liberty around 6 a.m. where the sun did not yet rise, and entered Manhattan port in New York.

Dubliner – Irish pub on 45 Stone Street in Manhattan’s Financial District.
We walked towards the station to catch the subway.
My metro card has insufficient, so I charged it.

On the way back to the Peace Boat, one of my friends asked, “Can we stop by McDonald?” And we connected to free wi-fi.

I went-to Eugene O’Neill Theater in Broadway New York and watched musical.
The name of the musical is The Book of Mormon.

At there, I bought Musical CD and logo T-Shirt.
It cost 50 dollars and paid by credit card.

Next, I ordered a double Baileys on the rocks at Theater Bar and paid 29 dollars by cash, because I read the warning that they can buy only cash.

After that, I sat my reserved seat which in the 10th row.

It was a very nice seat!

After the musical, I learned the meaning of the T-shirt’s logo.
It is said that it is Ugandan

“EEBOWAI” means “God” and “HASA DIGA” means “Fuck you” .in English.
So that is Fuck You, God!

“Elder Cunningham”, the leading character, looks like a suitable person, but he have a warm feeling.
He works as a missionary and is shy.


どうせなら、NYでしか見れないようなものがいいとおもい、「The Book of Mormon」のチケットを予約した。


Manhattan Cruise Terminal
adjustable gangway.
Moran’s tugboat.
Peace Boat was departed pier 90th in the New York that was dedicated pier for “Cunard Line” when heyday of Ocean Liners.
    Manhattan/New York (USA)
  • Local time October 20 (Thu) and 21 (Wed) / DST-4(Daylight Saving Time)